Beginning in 2024, the Florida District is partnering with the country of Nicaragua – working together in mutual relationships, pastoral health and training, and church planting efforts. On this trip, we will be serving with Nicaraguan Nazarenes on the North District - helping with community development, neighborhood ministry, and light construction projects.
Sign up for the Florida District Missions Trip to Nicaragua
January 3-11, 2025
Cost: $1,500 per person, pending airfare prices
This cost includes basic airfare, on ground transportation, and room and board while in Nicaragua.
We need to make some decisions regarding airfare in order to maintain the best possible prices. If you and others from your local church are interested in participating in the district mission trip to Nicaragua, please complete the online registration form by October 1.
We are able to take a team of 20 people from the district. Don't miss this amazing opportunity!
Sign up for the Florida District Missions Trip to Nicaragua
January 3-11, 2025
Cost: $1,500 per person
CLICK HERE to register
For a printable brochure CLICK HERE
Or contact Rev. Pam Tooley
Nicaragua is located in the center of the Americas. In Nicaragua, The Church of the Nazarene includes four districts and about 200 local churches.