Florida Nazarene Bible Institute
These are the 6 Core Classes that will be offered on-district via FNBI as an option for MiTs. These classes may be offered in a classroom or via an online platform:
Becoming a Holy People (Doctrine of Holiness)
Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally (Developing a Missional Church)
Practicing Wesleyan-Holiness Spiritual Formation (Spiritual Formation)
Preaching the Story of God (Christian Preaching I)
Leading the People of God (Leadership)
Administering the Local Church (Church Administration & Finance)
Exploring Nazarene History and Polity (should be completed as part of the first 6 classes, prior to a first District License).
For the Minister In Training (MIT), completing the educational requirements for ordination as elder or deacon in the Church of the Nazarene requires a significant effort, and is a well-earned accomplishment. It is, however, only the beginning of an educational process that must continue over a lifetime of ministry. (Refer to 2023 Nazarene Manual 521 - 521.5; 522 - 522.2)
The Florida Nazarene Bible Institute (FNBI) is the administrative resource providing the information necessary and for the managing of the educational records of the MITs. It is also responsible for vetting local class instructors, conducting the “First Class” required orientation sessions, evaluating all educational transcripts presented for credit toward the educational requirements for district licensing and ordination in the Church of the Nazarene. In addition, on limited basis, FNBI will offer on-district classes from the validated course of study, including monitoring of the Supervised Ministry Experience. We currently offer these services in both English (FNBI), and Spanish (CEM)**. Other language-based services are in the development process.
Hispanic students’ educational administration is handled by El Centro de Estudios Ministeriales (CEM) - Contact Dr. Edgar Diaz, or Rev. Nancy Cortes for information.
Other language-based programs
While other language-based ministry educational services are currently under development on Florida District, the following language-based programs are available online from Church of the Nazarene and other Wesleyan-based sources.
Haitian language-based studies - “Educational Theologique Nazareene Specialisee” (ETNS)
Florida District Haitian Ministerial Educational Opportunities
Contact: Rev. Gilbert Dertes, lobergy@gmail.com, 407-470-3825
Portuguese language-based studies - “STNB” or “European Nazarene College” worldwide
FNBI District-Offered Ministerial Classes (English only): Payment due with registration. Contact Jeanne Morgan, jeanne@floridanaz.com, 863-838-2692, about registration or the fee.
In addition, most classes offered on-district for Course of Study purposes will also be offered for audit by ordained ministers, graduated licensed ministers who wish to take a refresher, and any layperson. Lifelong learning hours will be granted to those ministers who present verification of completion of the audit class.
Disclaimer: A class session may be canceled if it does not reach a minimum number of enrollees for the class. Students affected by such an event will be notified in a timely manner, so they may enroll in a different class being offered in the current term. If the student does not need any other class offered in the current term, the student’s fee will either be refunded, or could be held as a credit for the next term the class is offered. Students should contact the FNBI Educational Director (contact information above) with any questions, and to inquire about the status of a class. Please be reminded that classes will be offered three times per year, Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Please check this page frequently for updated information. The classes being offered in a particular term will also be listed in the monthly MIT Greenhouse newsletter, prior to the term.
Current Course of Study (COS) Session …. SUMMER 2025 (class completion will count for the 2025 Calendar Year)
The COS Classes listed below are scheduled to begin in May 2025 (see below for specific start dates)
Advanced Registration is Required - Registration Opens on March 18, 2025
Firm Registration Deadline - by no later than April 20, 2025 (registration closes)
Note: All classes have limited seating, so register early.
Full Fee Per Class, $75.00, must be be paid at the time of registration.
**CLASSES OFFERED FOR AUDIT (see below for classes marked for audit)
For ordained ministers, graduated licensed ministers, and any layperson. Audit is not for current MITs in the COS process.
No Course of Study credit given.
Lifelong Learning credits may be granted. Verification of completion of class is required for credit. Ask instructor for details.
Lifelong Learning Credit = One (1) Lifelong Learning credit for each one (1) hour of instruction. See below for more information.
Audit Fee per class, $25.00, to be paid at time of registration.
Providing Christian Education For All Ages
Instructor: Dr. Desmond Barrett; Email: drdesmondbarrett18@gmail.com
Dates and Times - Saturdays, Via Zoom:
June 7, 14, 21, 28, July 12 - 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
July 19, 26 - 9:30 - 2:30
Register here for Credit ($75.00) (for MIT FNBI students only)
Register here for Audit* ($25.00*) (* for non FNBI students only)
Interpreting Scripture
Instructor: Rev. Rob Gargiulo, Email: pastorrob@fccstjohns.com
Dates & Times - Tuesdays, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Via Zoom:
May 20, June 3, June 17, July 1, July 15, July 29
Register here for credit ($75.00) (for MIT FNBI students only)
Register here for audit* ($25.00*) (*for non FNBI students only)
Investigating Christian Theology II
Instructor: Rev. Evan Ryder, Email: ebryder@gmail.com
Dates & Times - Mondays, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Via Zoom:
May 5, May 12, May 19, June 2, June 16, June 23
Register here for credit ($75.00) (for MIT FNBI students only)
Register here for audit* ($25.00*) (*for non FNBI students only)
Living Ethical Lives
Instructor: Rev. Jared Mathison, Email: pastorjared@1heart.church
Dates & Times - Tuesdays, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Via Zoom:
May 13th – July 29th
Register here for credit ($75.00) (for MIT FNBI students only)
Register here for audit* ($25.00*) (*for non FNBI students only)
Upcoming Session: Saturday, April 26, 2025 - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
(for New MITs and MITs in Level 1, 2, or 3, and for those who have NOT taken First Class)
“First Class” is the required Florida District Ministerial Development Orientation (4 hours) [via Zoom]
Jeanne Morgan, instructor
Next Session - Saturday, April 26, 2025 - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Click here for more information on “First Class” and to register for the upcoming class session.
521.6. Once a minister has fulfilled the requirements of a validated course of study for ministry, he or she will continue a pattern of lifelong learning to enhance the ministry to which God has called him or her. A minimum expectation is 20 hours of lifelong learning each year or the equivalent determined by the region/language group and stated in its Regional Sourcebook for Ministerial Development. All assigned and unassigned licensed and ordained ministers shall report on their progress in a program of lifelong learning as part of their report to the district assembly. An up-to-date report on his or her lifelong learning program will be used in the church/pastoral relationship review process and in the process of calling a pastor. The regional sourcebook for the region/ language group will contain the details of the accrediting and reporting process. (233.6)
Visit the District Lifelong Learning page HERE to learn more about registering for Lifelong Learning credit.
Contact Information: click here