Lifelong Learning
LIFELONG LEARNING (“continuing education for ministers)
In addition to the developmental educational endeavors, the effective minister must also pursue a lifelong journey of personal spiritual and emotional growth (2023 Nazarene Manual 521.6 - 521.7). For the minister to be effective in leading a congregation in an increasingly complex culture, continuous growth and development must be intentionally pursued. Paragraph 530.18: “All elders and deacons are expected to be involved in 20 hours of lifelong learning per year, to be administered by the District Ministerial Studies Board.” Ministers should 1. Register on the Lifelong Learning website, and 2. Record hours of lifelong learning. Credit can also be received for non-Nazarene events and training opportunties.
LEARN MORE ABOUT LIFELONG LEARNING (link to the Lifelong Learning site on
Some District opportunities (check this page often for any updated in formation):
Theology Conference on Human Sexuality and Gender Identity: Video - click here
Florida District YouTube Channel “Team Florida Naz” for some opportunities - click here
For ordained ministers - you may want to consider auditing classes in the course of study (as a refresher) which may be offered on the district. See HERE for current classes being offered for audit. LL credit will be granted when the minister presents verification of completed class.
USA/Canada Region Opportunities - click here
Nazarene Bible College - Institute for Ministerial Enrichment: